Original Description:
Amalthea The Vast UnicornTimes are super tough, If you like my art please consider supporting me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/GoblinHordeStudios
and Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/goblinhordestudiosCame out very pretty, I’m very tempted to draw more of her. fat ponies are still pretty hard to draw. Style heavily inspired by @Dufel3I don’t quite have a story for it but I was originally drawing a chonky Princess Luna cause its always bugged me people don’t draw the moon princess with a big enough butt lol then decided to draw Amalthea From The Last Unicorn in a mlp style and kinda thought it would be cute if Luna had the hots for her so might try doing something with that. Its kind of silly tho lol
Might draw some more of her, kinda want to try going bigger aswell. The one thing that bothers me about it is that I didn’t capture the characters personality, looking back in the film at least she never smiles not even once, her personality is hard to describe, she has more of a presence or a vibe then a personality lol