>It was her suit from last year which meant it was way, way too small for her now, but that was the whole point.
>Everyone knew Twist had the biggest tits in Ponyville.
>But she had been growing since last summer.
>Now her boobs were so huge that they hung down past her waist even thought they were really plump and full.
>Nothing could keep jugs that were that massive from sagging.
>And that was a problem.
>Her sweater puppies were amazing, but the giant sweaters and dresses she had to wear to cover them disguised their shape.
>A lot of people though she had gotten fat.
>Twist fretted and stewed about all the rumors and gossip.
>She wasn’t fat and now, on the first day of Summer she was going to prove it!
>It was opening day of the Ponyville pool, which was always an event.
>Twist almost had her bathing suit on now.
>She just had to get the front band over her nipples.
>When she had gotten this suit the summer before Rarity had sold her on the idea that it was made from a super stretchy material.
>She said it would let Twist grow some more and still be able to use it.
>It had been kind of slinky but the more she wore it the more Twist realized that she liked showing off her body.
>And now she was really going to show off.
>She finished pulling the suit into place.
>It was really tight.
>Especially around her nipples.
>Everyone was going to get an eyeful there.
>She could even see a bit of pink peaking out over the fabric.
>Let those bitches get offended.
>She’d show them who had the goods!
>Twist walked out of the changing room.
>Step, jiggle.
>Step, wobble.
>Step, jiggle.
>She walked (and wiggled, and bounced) out into the sun.
>Over the splash of water and noise of the pool she could hear gasps of surprise and shock from everyone there.
>Twist pretended not to notice but when she turned to set her towel down she smirked a little to herself.
>Let ’em gossip now!