Commissioner’s description:
This image is very related to my written pony world, showing off two slurs thrown at these two, one a social minority, the other an ethnic minority. Gilda may occupy an enviable social position as a Bald Eagle Griffin, and the daughter of a rich diplomat besides, but she loves women. That is anathema to Griffin culture and tags her with the insult “Egg-Grabber” (Which implies either she steals eggs from nests, or steals them from within pregnant hens.) Trixie is very different, she sits at the bottom of the social ladder, though that’s not quite so bad in Equestria. Even so there are traditional feelins of mistrust against her kind, the nomadic Roani, traditional stalwarts of Princess Luna. Traditionally, they wore a sign of loyalty that started out as full-sized tabards but by time and culture were reduced to tail ribbons, which also maintained a certain amount of modesty. The colorful ribbons are a part of their desire for beauty in all their lives, but also easily mark Roani.
Calling a Griffin hen an Egg-Grabber is like calling her a ‘dyke’ and calling a Roani a Ribbontail is like screaming ‘Gypsy’ (It’s still an insult, no matter how traditional it is.) Or, since the Roani are also a dash Ashkanezic Jew, there are other slurs but I’m not about to type that out.
However, as the bottom part indicates, those names mean nothing to the two of them. Not while they have each other.