Original Description:
Twilight took a moment to catch her breath once she reached the top of the spire. This spell would be hard, and she could only hope that Ditzy and Pip would find out what had happened to the crystal- and the rest of Ponyville- soon.There wasn’t a specific spell for this, so she would have to improvise. The crystal had emanated the feelings that Hearths Warming Eve represented… Peace, Hope, and Joy.The pic and the exerpty thingy are from my first pony dream ever. Basically, after Twilight and co. do… whatever they do for the Crystal Kingdom, in return, the kingdom gives each town in Equestria a crystal that carries the spirit of the season. It also calls to them a special visitor who will come baring gifts (in my dream, he was basically a Santa reindeer XD).But one night the crystal above ponyville disappears, and all of ponyville falls asleep- except Twilight, Ditzy/Derpy, and Pip Squeak (who had an older brother). Twilight sends the other two to find the crystal and what happened to ponyville, while she takes place of the crystal to try and flag down help.