i started this over the weekend but it was quite slow as i was thinking what i wanted each character to be doing.
anyway, 10 years & 3 days ago the 1st MLP:FiM episode aired & 1 year ago yesterday, the last 3 episodes aired.
i could go on about how i got into the show & when but i feel i’ve done that a few times already but i’ll just put it quickly: a friend of mine was into it at the time which didn’t bother me but i didn’t take an interest until i decided to check out the 1st episode out of curiosity in early 2013 & carry on from there. that was when season 3 was still going (& i was still on chemo at that time but thankfully, that was my last year of it).
here is a picture commemorating 10 years of friendship & the magical talking horses we learned from. nothing special, mind you, i just thought i’d do my part. i may have done some things different with the ponies now being older but nothing too much.
& i really wish we could have seen Celestia, Luna & Cadance in their older state like the mane 6 are even if it was only brief.