“Enough!” Proxima says using a spell and Apple Pie jumps away and to her friends. “We will destroy you all!” She says in a fighting position. “No sister. “We” won’t.” Drax says stepping away from his sister. “What has happened to you?” Proxima says before glaring at him. “You’ve grown soft.” “I fell in love.” Drax tells her. “I love Apple Pie and I won’t let you hurt her if it comes down to it.” Drax says. “Stand down Proxima. You won’t be able to beat the Elements.” Nova says pulling them out and gave them to their respective wearers. “Let it go Proxima. It’s time to put the past behind us.” Drax says. “I’ll never let it go!” Proxima says shooting a blast. The Elements countered it and nullified the blast. Proxima falls as she used most of her magic in that spell. Nova walks over to her. “Princess Proxima, please. Don’t be like Chrysalis. She never accepted friendship into her, but it’s not to late for you. We can make a difference.” Nova says holding her hoof out. “Please sister.” Drax says seeing Proxima hesitate. Proxima looks at Nova’s hoof before slowly setting her own hoof on Nova’s.