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Page 1784 - Art of the Blast
20th Dec 2022, 6:00 AM in What About Discord?I don’t know how true this is for everybody else, but I’m the kind of player that likes to see how everyone else’s characters work and even control them in combat if their player is absent for the session or something. I like to see different playstyles made manifest, but also contrast how different people apply the same character’s abilities. (This is also why I enjoyed DMing and controlling DMPCs a lot.)
Notice: Guest comic submissions are still open until this arc is finished! Guidelines here.
DM: So who’s next to take control of Twilight?
Rarity: C’est moi. So much power and I can do anything I want, hmm? Let’s see, how can we do this artfully…? Say we start with a big takeoff. Flying in from above, Twilight charges toward Tirek. Looking quite obviously prepared to hit him with a kinetic impact. The instant he tries to blast her out of the sky… she teleports below him… and blasts him in the face with an arcane uppercut!
Applejack: The ol’ feint ‘n’ facestab. Classic.
DM: A Wizard with demigod powers using Rogue tactics. Terrifying.