Original Description:
Introducing the designs of the main 6 now that their children have taken the elements of harmony reigns~
Queen Twilight Spector Sparkle
Queen of Equestria
-Wife of Sombra and Mother of Hopeful Justice and Runic Nightmare
-Currently working on uniting the species across Equestria
-Mentor of Luster Dawn
-Struggling with the loss of her brother Shining Armor.
Rarity Belle
Founder of the Radiant Boutique
-Wife of Fancy Pants and Mother of Vivianite, Sapphire Gleam and Chalcedony
-Currently working with fashion designers across Equestria to enhance and advance her fashion
-Very loving mother and wife but incredibly busy with her hyper focus on work
Fluttering “Fluttershy” Butterfly
Head of the Sweet Feather Sanctuary
-Wife of Orchard Blossom and Mother of Rural Beauty
-Works hard with animals at Sweet Apple Acres to help out in her own way
-Currently helping Twilight with her project
Rainbow Dash
Well known Wonderbolt
-Wife of Starlight Glimmer and Mother of Luster Dawn and Nebula Distortion
-Currently she intends to take Spitfire’s place, training under her as well
-Very accepting and loving of her family and kids even if she doesn’t always understand
-Secretly an author of her new book series