Original Description:
Vani Beauregard
Yep just after Fluttershy I’ve already made another blueberry pony image though to be fair this was an image that I was supposed to do long ago. This was made for my friend Marshmallow-Pone :iconmarshmallow-pone: who had to wait a long time due to real life stuff and me having to get a few images out of the way but now it’s finally here. Honestly I don’t know which I like better this image or the Fluttershy one but either way they’re both great in my opinion.
Here we have Vani being turned into a blueberry in the inventing room potentially in front of onlookers. Though she might be embarrassed at the same time she seems to be taking a lot of pleasure from her situation judging by her heavy blushing and facial expression as well as juice coming from her…vaginal region.. Of course not to mention she seems to have the infamous “wing boner” going on. Wonder who’ll juice her?
This surely will not be the only pony berry to be made seeing as how I have two more images to get done.