Original Description:
Sketched this out the other night while watching some episodes of My Love Story/Ore Monogatari for funsies (weirdly enough Takeo’s dub VA also sounds like a younger, never smoked in his life, version of Hol Horse’s dub VA)
Initially was a doodle of Applejack teasing Hol with a wall slam “This is one of your moves Casanova, why are you so flustered?” but then crawling to your S/O to give them a smooch won over~
Fluff wins a lot in drawing sessions, except comics apparently
I cleaned it up a bit and colored in clip studio using direct color picking from their animated versions (Applejack’s fur is darker in the comics, Hol’s hair is a bit more brassy and his shirt leans towards teal in the colored manga) and I dig both versions, so the Clip Studio version is comin up in a bit!
(This is Autodesk Sketchbook, for reference)