Original Description:
I’m planning to use the outfits I made for them for a couple of art pieces. In this drawing, as you’ll understand after reading the dialogue, we see Gallus helping Grandpa Gruff grade some tests… Or rather, helping him ensure each sheet has enough red marks. XD It’s not like the elder doesn’t know how to properly grade a test. He’s just grown pretty tired after three hours of organising and checking the papers in the pile beside him to repeat the process on the rest of the ones he has left. Hope you like it! ^^
(Grandpa Gruff is grading papers at the kitchen table. He hears Gallus’ skateboard from outside. Gallus barges in, drops his helmet, goes to the fridge, and grabs a soda. He finishes his drink in one chug, followed by an incredibly loud burp that makes Gruff wince and roll his eyes. Gallus looks at the skeptical elder and grins.)
Gallus: [suddenly perching on Gruff] Sup, Gramps. What’s my favourite professor doin’?
Grandpa Gruff: [slightly annoyed] Grading tests. That doesn’t look like it’s got enough red marks. I’ve already circled this, and put three question marks over here.
Gallus: Oh, I’ve seen this before. Try “X”ing this out and underline this real aggressively. That’s usually what Headmare Twilight does on my history tests.
Grandpa Gruff: Oh. And what do I do here?
Gallus: Frowny face. Professor Dash also tends to play tic tac toe on our papers while correcting them sometimes.
Grandpa Gruff: Good point. [ruffles Gallus’ bangs] Thanks, boy. [scribbling on the sheet of paper] Better luck next time, Gretchen.
Gallus: No problem, Pop-Star.
(Grandpa Gruff proceeds to go back to grading the tests, but he halts in realisation. Gallus tends to leave, but Gruff grabs his tail and pulls him back in front of him.)
Grandpa Gruff: [scowling] Now, what was that about Mrs. Sparkle’s tests?
Gallus: [chuckles nervously]
In the art piece in which I first introduced these new outfits for these two Griffons, I mentioned my headcanon of Gallus going all “tough teenager” at some point and Grandpa Gruff trying to be reasonable with him and warning Gallus that he won’t find what he’s looking for on the streets, because he was once there. The story takes inspiration from the episode “Rebel Without A Glove” from The Looney Tunes Show, but there are a few differences.
The way I see it, Gallus wants to show other Griffons that he’s not a meek punching bag and that he’s a strong Griffon, which is why he temporarily changes his name to “Gremlin” after finding out “Gallus” means “rooster”, but later finds out it also means “mischievous”, while Grandpa Gruff wants to show other Griffons that he’s indeed calm and collected, and not some old crotchety guy named after his temper/ insanity, which is why he tends to go by his full name, which is “Gruffudd” — for anyone wondering why he’s called “professor” here, you’ll find out soon enough. ;) So, without even noticing, the two practically switch reputations and personalities for a little while. Even when they have changed, they still call each other their usual nicknames (“Gramps” and “Boy”) and find some ways to get along and deal with each other. Followed by this, even after the two Griffons switch back to their previous personalities, they still occasionally wear those clothes, both because they like them and because they help them express parts of themselves in another way. Gallus feels able to show his inner confidence and toughness, and Grandpa Gruff feels able to show his more forgiving and serene side.
I’m gonna continue calling them their normal names in future drawings of them with these appearances so there’s no confusion.