Original Description:
Yes, I know. A random sister. Just like how I threw in Appletart and Chromo’s sister and brother. Look, before creating them, it’s only the Twikids and Bubbly who had siblings. Well, they don’t really play that significant of a role. Chromo’s brother, Prismo, will appear in the next episode though. Penny and Mirror will appear in either Episode 4 or just in the mere future, but probably in Episode 4.
Also, if you realize how cool these siblings look… it’s only because they’re the first next gen characters to have been created and designed on a tablet. The others were designed in my computer with my mouth, but these are with a tablet. Now, I don’t know if the other characters will get remade designs, I dunno.
If this is the last character you’ve seen out of the three, then happy new year! If you want my full message, check out the Prismo Dash deviation.
I won’t add a bio since Mirror Shine hasn’t debuted yet.