Original Description:
Twilight Sparkle floated in the air, her body bound by a spell of magical energy. She watched in horror as purple latex began to spread over her skin, forming a bodysuit complete with gloves and boots. As the transformation continued, armor was also applied to her body, encasing her in a protective layer.
Celestia and Rainbow Dash stood nearby, fully suited in similar attire. A helmet covered their heads, making their eyes glow green as they looked upon Twilight with cold, calculated gazes. They were under the total control of King Sombra, acting on his orders to enslave Twilight and make her a slave like them.
As the mind control helmet was placed upon her head, Twilight’s thoughts and emotions were suppressed, and she was forced to do the bidding of her new masters. She was no longer her own pony, but a tool to be used for the gain of others.