Original Description:
“They all say you should live in the present and well, It’s true! Just don’t get too lost in your wonderful minds when the world is in front of you”
Nickname(s): Rue, Barb
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Cis-Mare
Pronouns: She/They
Species: Earth Pony
Talent: Bringer of Hope
Occupation: Teacher at Golden Oak Elementary, New Element of Harmony
Family: Pinkie Pie (Mom), Cheese Sandwhich (Dad), Cheesestick Melt (Sibling), Star Ruby Pie (Sister), Macaroni Pizza Pie (Brother), Malachite Valentine (Sister), Party Popper Cheese Bomb (Sibling)
Personality Traits: Rhubarb is simply put a social butterfly who is delighted to throw herself into new situations and enjoys exploring the unique world around her. She’s warm and enthusiastic about most topics and tries her best to get her knowledge to be correct and accurate. Although she doesn’t know exactly what her talent means this does not harm her opinion on herself, she’ll figure it out in time when its right for her to do so anyway so what’s the harm in being confused about her future.
Bases: ElementBases