Original Description:
Hehe, I like making these. I’ll go back to drawing things after Christmas.
Pipp: Heya Pippsqueaks! Welcome to another episode of Pipp and Jazz’s Aussie Adventures! Today we are visiting Broome! Apparently humans ride camels at a beautiful sunset! It’s just so gorgeous! We ponies may not be able to ride them here but… it’s still a good time and place for a selfie! Or to spend time with-
Jazz: Oh wow! These camel rides look so fun! Can we try them, Pipp?
Izzy, going up to the camera, giggling: Who’s gonna tell her?
Rocky, behind the camera: Not too close, the fans need to see the scenery- and I guess I’ll tell her. sighs and shouts Hey, Jazz!
Jazz: Yes, Rocky?
Rocky: There’s a sign earlier that said no camel rides for ponies from Equestria!
Jazz: Oh? But, why not?
Izzy: Silly Jazz, it will look silly!
Pipp: Besides, we can still settle down and enjoy the sunset together
Jazz: Oh… I guess so…
The three sit on the sand happily and watch the sunset. Jazz rests up against Izzy, falling asleep as the sunset ends. As soon as it gets dark, Pipp gets up
Izzy, whispering: Pipp, Pipp! Shhh, look at Jazz
Pipp: Hmm? What about Ja- Sees that Jazz is asleep up against Izzy Awww! I so need to upload photos of this! Takes out phone and takes pictures
Izzy: Her snoring is so cute!
Jazz, waking up: H-huh? Wh-what happened?
Pipp: You were so adora-
Rocky: C’mon sleepyhead, you had a busy day. But we still need the sleep for the busy day tomorrow…
The group makes their way to the inn