Original Description:
Best friends. There are times you want to hug them and times you want to give them a straight kick. In Grandpa Gruff and Gruncle Gonsod’s case, it’s mostly the latter mixed with pranks and jokes as they mostly annoy each other, though usually out of playfulness. In the picture, we see Gruff and Gonsod’s faces as seen from above a building, presumably because they got ejected. As you can probably tell, Gruff is beyond frustrated with his best friend and shows it to him with a couple of kicks in his rump. Gruff is slightly stronger than Gonsod too, so that’s kinda more painful for poor Gonsod. There’s currently no certain story for this piece, but feel free to suggest some ideas. :) This was also inspired by a scene in the episode “Best Friends” from The Looney Tunes Show with Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, two characters of which their interactions have given me a lot of inspiration for the interactions between the two elders. Hope you like it! ^^