Original Description:
°•|personal information|•°
Name: Stunning Emerald
Nicknames: Stuny, Emer(Sister/cousin)
Birthday: December 28
Age: 16
Specie: unicorn
Gender: female
Sexuality: polyamory, pansexual
Personality: agitated, messy, creative, lively, elegant
Mom: Rarity, Fluer De Lis (stepmother)
das: Spike, Capper (stepfather)
Siblings: Allium Dragonfly, Sharp Spark, Radiant Tie, Crystal Miamore
Aunts: Sweetiebelle
Uncle: Spike
Cousins: Allium Dragonfly, Sharp Spark
Grandmothers:Cookie Crumbles
Grandfathers: Hondo Flanks
Friends: Summer Blueberry, Dimensional Aura, Fae AppleHeart, Apple Orchard, Pop Rocks, Gleaming Speed
Relationship Status: in love
Occupation:element of empathy
Currently Living in:Ponyvale
Place of birth: Canterpoles
Like: sewing, singing, drawing, nature
Dislikes: out of fashion clothes, mess