Anyways, that was my contribution for Halloween and I wish you a happy Halloween (don’t get youself trapped like Glim here^^)
In case you haven’t noticed so far I also want to give credit to the artwork which outfit inspired me by the awsome skipsy (caution! lewdness ahead!):
I’ve always wanted to do something with that outfit and considering Halloween was just around the corner I thought it’s perfect timing.
Btw, yeah, that on her feet are no random scribbling, these are… uh… runes! Excactly! You only can’t read them because it’s a highly complex, ancient language (source: Dude trust me!)
Be free and share me your opinion about this little series and which of the girls do you think was the meanest to poor Glim?
(Also I’ve added another alt version in my scraps folder with smudged colors. Considering all that sweat it does make sense, but then you barely could read anything written on her, so I decided to use this piece as the original one instead)