For Velvet herself, her day had not started until she invited a “hired hand” into her otherwise home for a very special project.
“Again, I can’t thank you enough for helping me with this. This household was just never meant to have only one foal running around in it, and Celestia knows Night Light was never as ah… (ahem) eager as you are to help me conceive another.”
Ingesting a fertility potion beforehand in order to prepare her voluptuous body for its imminent conception, it had the unforeseen side effect of making her already generous assets much larger. Velvet’s breasts had swelled to enormous sizes, having become heavily engorged with milk as they sagged and swayed with even the slightest movements. After barely managing to tear her eyes away from her new endowments, she had also noticed that her hips, thighs, and buttocks had also made a noticeable change in size as well.
With the now enormous mammaries straining her spine and impeding her movements, Velvet was at least thankful to have decided to drink the fertility potion after she and her sole company had arrived in her bedroom. After discarding her busted bra and panties, she proceeded to plant herself on her soon-to-be ruined bedspread, already feeling her enlarged nipples leak its motherly fluids into the sheets.
Still, being weighed down so immensely meant having the well-read adulteress allow the unicorn stud she had hired to do all of the work as they bred, not that either of them really minded.