Original Description:
Rainbow Dash; Princess of Weather- Her wings are much stronger now, and her whole flying ability/muscle memory is messed up now. If she takes flight, she finds it hard to land safely. She can’t fly with the Wonderbolts with a horn like that!
Fluttershy; Princess of Creatures- Her sharp and long horn scares the little creatures she looks after, they won’t eat her food anymore. Her taller appearance makes other animals feel threatened, and even Angel is scared. Spends all day in bed crying.
Pinkie Pie; Princess of Celebration- The only one happy about this new change. This just gives her more power to make her parties even more awesome! Wait why is everyone else crying?
Applejack; Princess of Harvest- Probably the most deeply affected, the fact that she wasn’t an earth pony anymore gave her lots of shame, and even depression. Her family doesn’t allow her to work on the farm anymore, because this is a traditional earth pony only business. She’s still a major workaholic, and she spreads the gift of harvest and vegetation all over Equestria.
Twilight Sparkle; Princess of Grief- Her friends were getting old, while she was staying the same age. Celestia and Luna warned her that she would outlive every pony she’d ever come to meet, but she didn’t want to accept it. She couldn’t… but she could fix the problem…
Rarity; Princess of Beauty- None of her beautiful clothes fit her anymore because of her bigger size, and her large wings are going to be a problem with clothing anyways. Her levitation magic is overcharged, being able to lift anything with ease. For now, that’s the only spell she knows, the only spell she ever needed to know. Becomes very stressed.