Original Description:
Quite frankly I am not caught up with G5 whatsoever because not only does my brother refuse to give me the netflix password by ignoring me every time i ask so I can’t watch Make Your Mark, but I’ve also been avoiding Tell Your Tale to avoid spoilers as well. But… I’ve given up, and I’ll accept spoilers now, which means I got a bit of catching up to do.
In the mean time, we got a Sunny Starscout having to deal with an influx of magic. Earth Ponies only discovered their own magic recently, and magic has been gone for a long time. I feel like there comes a point where magic can get too much for somepony to handle, and that’s what I had in mind here. besides there’s a tell your tale episode that i haven’t seen yet that im pretty sure had that as a premise so i took it and cranked it up to 11.