Original Description:
This (And the other two drawings, for a total of three) were gift arts I did for a certain very special friend I have that I love and he’s pretty much my very best friend (And currently my lover <3), so yay! I already showed it to him in private, but I just kind of felt like posting them all to Derpibooru. I drew them because he’s a very cute wolf pony and a very cute friend and I just wanted to draw his OC badly. To not mention that I wanted to celebrate the fact that he became a moderator. So, GlitchedWolf, here you have, your Flow being smug with a freaking gigantic banhammer warhammer 40.000, limited edition only for mods, ready to slam bots to the moon XP.
The CutieMark…. Well… I have no idea what I was thinking with the Cutie Mark to be honest xp, but I wanted to mimic how it looked in the reference pics I found. Though after I drew him I actually found out that that’s his older Cutie Mark, and his new one is silver, so oops. I’m sorry it looks that awkward, I have no idea how to make stuff glitchy D:.
I also made his pony extremely fluffy, because literally all the images I got from him depicted an extremely fluffy and adorable wolf pony and I just wanted to honor his fluff, so I hope I did well. ~Don’t hate me, I don’t know how to do paws at all xp~
And the reason I didn’t post this artwork was because I felt anxious of doing so. I kinda feel like posting publicly the gift art I do for very best friends like Wolfy would be kinda like trying to ask faves/upvotes with our friendship, though a few other friends convinced me to post these