Original Description:
Originally posted on: January 20, 2015, 8:21 AM UTC
Mangled Slice of Pie
If there was a story for Mangle getting “mangled” in Equestria, it would have something to do with the Baby Cakes. I honestly love Mangle and Foxy in this spectacularly horrific pizzeria game (Despite the fact I work at Chuck E Cheese. >.>). How did Mangle end up getting Pinkie? I thought of a crossing over story of the Cakes needing an attraction in Sugarcube Corner. And that attraction would be Mangle. Pinkie would have suspicion of what the animatronic does at night and well… she just got what’s coming. This enlightens me into doing an RP but I have no candidates that wish to participate… so I thought I’ll probably write it as a short story in fimfiction. I assure you, Pinkie was not harmed during the making of this picture. Mangle looks to be pertaining to be in a curious playful manner with her claimed pony. So enjoy.