Original Description:
“Wait - don’t go there! Ammit, slow down! Not-NOT MOM’S GARDEN”
Fluttershy and Discord debated about having another child for years, since Freya was such a handful of firsts for both of them. In the end, they decided to try for a second baby, after Freya had a particularly bad school day. Months later, Freya was overjoyed to welcome her new baby sister. Fluttershy and Discord were not too concerned with the upcoming outbursts of magic, because they thought they knew how to control them now. They didn’t think that Freya’s calm personality had a connection to her fewer outbursts.
Ammit was a hyperactive firecracker as a cub, having WAY more outbursts or overflows than Freya, though they were shorter and often the result of emotions going out of control, instead of magic usage. Unlike Freya, who became more aggressive and spouted electricity around her, Ammit became hyperactive, almost deranged and teal fire would build up in her mouth. That resulted in a lot of burned furniture and a fence around Fluttershy’s animals and garden.
Ammit is basically Discord if he had manners. She rarely uses her magic to prank people, but can be coerced from time to time. She LOVES spending time with auntie Pinkie Pie, but her favourite past time activity is playing with her older sister Freya.
And that’s what I got so far, I just really wanted to do a new Fluttercord next gen and rewatching Moon Knight for the fifth time gave me some inspiration. I based her design on the actual goddess Ammit, giving her longer hind hippo legs and front lion legs. I switched the head of the crocodile for a crocodile tail tho, but she does stars to resemble a crocodile mouth when she’s older, as seen in this sketch: