Original Description:
Originally posted on: April 20, 2021, 9:44 PM UTC
MLP AU Redesign: Princess Luna
“Welcome, my children of the night”
Name: Princess Lunar Moon of Equestria
Nicknames: Luna, Princess of the night, Nightmare (by young foals), Woona (by Tia), Lulu (by Tempest), Moon Butt (by Discord)
Age: Estimated 10,000 years (her age would have been close to her sisters if she wasn’t banished to the moon, which slowed her aging process)
Species: Alicorn (represents pegasus and bat ponies)
Build: Muscular and Intimidating
Special Talent: Raising the Moon
Spouse: (Princess) Tempest Shadow
Offspring: Princess Aurora Borealis
Occupation: Co Ruler of Equestria, Mentor
Residents: Canterlot Castle
Luna was born half pegasus half bat pony. She was very introvert growing up and kept to herself or stuck to her older sister. She still is an introvert to this day. After the meteor hit she lost connection with her sister and often locked herself up in her room. Of course her sister was too busy to cater to Luna’s feeling which made Luna think she didn’t love her. Her angry and jealousy kept building up more and more which turned her into Nightmare Moon, causing her to be banished. On the Moon Celestia would send letters and sing lullabies to her sister to tell her she was sorry. Luna cut off connection with her sister and didn’t read or listen out for her letters and songs. Once she got back on earth with the power of friendship, she was able to be reformed. Ever since then Tia has learned to put her family before her job. Luna still keeps her space from her sister but will occasionally hang out with her.
- Luna will occasionally travel to a lost island full of orphaned bat pony hybrid foals and care for them. Her sister doesn’t know about this but one day she want to tell her so she could help the young foals have a happy life in Equestria.
- Luna enjoys painting on her balcony. She often paints ponies that walk by the castle.
- She loves cleaning the castle along with the maids
- She is a Pisces
- Luna originally had light blue and yellow hair, due to the amount of magic she used to become Nightmare Moon she aged a lot causing her hair to become darker.
- Luna does as well have battle scars around her shoulder and neck. Not as much as her sister.
- She loves snooping around in dreams to see what’s the latest equestrian drama going around.
- Luna speaks in a thick British(aka olden equestrian) accent due to her not being there when modern equestrian accents were formed