Original Description:
Taking a little break from my lil comic project, I wanted to another thing with MLP and I saw Earthsong9405 Goddess AU and inspiration struck. These are not the official designs just mockups.
So no, no ones a god/goddess; it more like supreme people marry other powerful people to gain more power and to continue their line so forth and so on.
The more magic/power one has the more markings they have or larger. Ones markings color also match their partners. Usually the partner that has the weakest magic/power is the to get their partners marking color.
This AU is set more in medieval or The Witcher era-esque, i wanted to take a darker turn on this one.
I’ll add more on this later, please ask questions if you have any. It’s probably help me add more info.
If ya got any other suggestions drop ’em
But here the line up
Prince Quentin/Fluttershy
Luna/Storm King
Shining Armor/Amira