Original Description:
Fuchsia Frost carefully walked over some buildings, promising the best she could to herself that she didn’t cause much damage to the buildings nearby.
People inside the medium-size buildings took a view through their windows, seeing the giant friendship student pony in the city of Brooklyn.
“Where is that pony from?” asked one woman with blue jeans in one apartment, as she never saw a pony like Fuchsia Frost that big in the real world, unaware that ponies from Equestria entering the real world are likely capable appearing in different sizes.
“Why, it is nice seeing you all in this wonderful city.” Fuchsia Frost told the tinies, looking down at them while standing on the streets, which resulted in some takes pictures with her smile getting so much attention.
“Aww, she’s such a really big mare!” shouted one man with excitement, as he sticked his arm out the car, snapping pictures out of the giant pony.
Fuchsia Frost saw some humans running towards her, as they wanted a ride on her back.
“Wow, I’ve never seen you humans this excited.” Fuchsia Frost giggled, as she knew that the tinies had been more happy than she thought it would be, since the tinies are liking her just because she is so cute and big.
Accepting the tinies’ requests for a ride, Fuchsia Frost carried some tinies onto her back using her mouth nicely.
“You tinies really make me smile so much when you adore me.” Fuchsia Frost told the tinies, and then waving goodbye to them before walking and continuing her walk throughout the city, making the ground shake, especially the buildings close and far away from her.