Original Description:
Sort of like the last post, this drawing is merely a representation of how I envision what those “Concord possessed” ponies would look like. My friend, icicle-wicicle-1517, suggested that I should visualize how they looked ^^! Thank you icicle XP! Please go support them y’all ÓwÒ! Anyways, I already described what they looked like from this post: >>2838351 . So I’m basically just gonna reiterate what I had, and put ‘em in these notes. ⬇️
☆ These possessed or “concorded” (another nod to my friend, icicle-wicicle-1517 for that title idea >w<) ponies are a result of the usurper, Concord, turning ponies into “pure” and “perfect” angelic beings. Why, because Concord wanted to be the Lord of a perfect and harmonious Equestria. However, the new young rulers, Celestia, Luna and Terran took his ideal place. Henceforth, he opted to take action and proceeded to control Equestria for himself. His devious scheme would be deemed as “Concord’s Revelation”.
☆ The possessed ponies’ coats and hair were pure white, stripping away any behavioral characteristics and distinguishing features. Their bodies glowed blinding white, and their hair gently flowed. Their eyes resembled Concord’s, and so did their unchanging smile. A halo hovered above their heads, suited for the “perfections” they were.
☆ The concorded ponies would become his righteous pupil, brainwashed into doing whatever he says and worship him. Their behavior was one-track minded, only caring about him: singing hymns, repeating praising phrases, giving gifts or offerings, etc… When they sang or spoke, their voices were loud, vocally dynamic and unattainably high; angel-like. Concord also had them sought out for imperfect ponies, to capture them, so he could turn them.
☆ Upon being noted by Discord, Celestia and the other two (Luna and Terran) were able to stop Concord’s reign before it got too out of hand. They figured out the way how the possessed ponies could be turned back; through temptation and memory. Of course, it didn’t work at first, but eventually the ponies found their true identities again.
☆ Right off the bat, the possession left the victims with pure white blotches on their coat and white streaks in their hair. Dye would be the only way to cover it up. Also, they would have heterochromia, whether it was complete, sectoral or central. (Side note: If a victim had blue eyes, the change would still be there, but not as prominent [depending on the blue shade and contrast]).
☆ The poor victims would go through psychological trauma; mainly: PTSD, depression, anxiety, dissociative disorders, etc… Since Concord took away their flaws (when possessed) and judged them for it; some ponies admittedly had toxic or abusive flaws. And with Concord’s word, post-possession, those ponies actually felt the need to change themselves for the better.
☆ Fun fact: The red mare I used as an example is one of those ponies who changed themselves for the better after ruminating on Concord’s judgment. She was the toxic one in a relationship she had with her partner. But after some contemplation, she wanted to make things right. Because of this, their bonds grew stronger again, and they were able to happily have a foal. And this leads us to the next note.
☆ Clearly, the mare was physically altered by Concord’s possession. Because of this it was highly likely that her offspring were going to be born with a rare defect called “Concordia”. The foal she had was, of course, born with it. And the result of this defect is that they’ll be born completely white with blue eyes. I know I say “rare” as it seems similar to albinism. But considering what happened, and the fact that every foal who was born from the victims were “all white”. Everypony would conclude that this defect was a direct effect from Concord’s possession, and not coincidental mass albinism. Meaning, at least for the victims at the time, this defect deserved its own specification.
☆ This defect was indeed brought down through a few generations and had faded away by Twilight’s time.
☆Going back to the fact that some ponies changed their behavior after Concord’s judgment. Some of them would actually thank Concord for fixing them. Because if it wasn’t for him telling them to change, they would’ve still been the culprit in a toxic relationship and or would have hurt somepony. Now that some of these ponies’ lives are better now, they would periodically praise Concord for his judgment. However, most were considerate to keep their praises secret, as Concord really messed up ponies’ minds.
So, yeah! There’s that! I hope that this was useful ^^! Thank y’all so much for your time and constant support! I love y’all 💖💖! If you have any questions or thoughts, let me know absolutely anywhere!^^ And as always, GOODBYE FOR NOW ÓwÒ!