Original Description:
Gale is a 33-year-old, lanky, Unicorn son of a drunkard dad and an overprotective mother. He’s also a graduate of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns that barely passed the entrance exam, due to his lackluster skill at levitation magic, yet he passed, due to an excellent grasp of cryomancy. Gale was fascinated with what all his winter magic provided. He could summon snow and hail from above without the help of a cloud, as well as gusts of wind and shards of ice. Gale got to know Fluttershy when appeared in one of the weather control chambers of Cloudsdale, asking for help when Gale was sent there to diagnose the spell matrix. She wanted the weather to remain calm and safe so a Breezie migration could remain uninterrupted. Gale volunteered to help and later became Fluttershy’s hoof-picked personal assistant as Deputy Minister of Peace after Luna desired to assign him and his fellow spell researchers to several of the newly created ministries during the Great War. Gale was blinded by an explosion he took for Fluttershy, which is why he has dulled, milky eyes. Gale’s entire left-hind left was torn off by shrapnel in the same event.