Original Description:
Originally posted on: November 17, 2019, 5:18 AM UTC
It is never easy…
Stella: Mom, why it hurts so much?… why are we the ones that have to suffer this?…
Twilight: it’s part ot the high price of the crown… we have to see our loved ones come and go while we stay the same…
Snow: does it become easier?…
Twilight: no… each one hurts just as the first one… that’s something that you learn with the pass of time… A creature like us has to value each second that we have with everypony…
Stella: we will see each other at least?…
Twilight: yes, when the time comes we will meet again… until then is up to us to keep them alive in our hearts and memory…
This is an old picture of a scene that came to my mind, Twilight will outlive her friends and family, now that she is an Alicorn she will live a lot more of time and this means that she saw a lot of friends and family come and go, and her elder daughter has the same fate and by the point of the drawing she has seen all her friends, her siblings and her dad pass away… Now 150 years later the only ones that are left in Canterlot are Twilight, Snow Diamond and herself…
Twilight Hasbro (c)
Stella, Snow Diamond me (c)