Original Description:
I’m so glad to finally have this project done! I really don’t draw canon characters so this was a new feat for me, but I’m really happy with how everyone came out. I did take some creative liberties, as one does.
Since this herd is sooo large, I decided on creating this image to link back to as an explanation of the relationship dynamics of this herd… as it’s not as simple as previous herds posted. Not everyone is with each other and it can get kind of confusing. Though I did place the characters in a way that kinda shows the different relationships. Once you know who is with who you’ll be able to see it.
I will also be posting the individual vectors of each drawing pretty soon… not right now because honestly I stayed up all night to finish this and I won’t have the energy to post anything else after this description is done lol
Relationship Dynamics
Firstly, Derpy is the center of this herd and she is married to everyone here. She’s also having everyone’s babies, lots and lots of babies. I won’t be mentioning her in the dynamics below as it’s stated very clearly she is with everyone so it’s a given. I adore Derpy and really wanted to have a herd where she was getting all the love and adoration she deserves, so here we have it. She also seems the most capable of fostering relationships with this many ponies and being able to maintain them, her heart is always open.
Twilight Sparkle - married to Cheese Sandwich, Lyra Heartstrings, and Sunset Shimmer, casually dating Marble Pie
Cheese Sandwich - married to Twilight Sparkle and Dr. Time Turner Whooves
Dr. Time Turner Whooves - married to Cheese Sandwich, Moondancer, and Marble Pie
Sunset Shimmer - married to Twilight Sparkle and Moondancer
Moondancer - married to Dr. Time Turner Whooves, Marble Pie, and Sunset Shimmer
Marble Pie - married to Moondancer and Dr. Time Turner Whooves, casually dating Twilight Sparkle
Lyra Heartstrings - married to Twilight Sparkle
Outside of the herd, each pony is also able to date whomever they wish in a casual sense or in a serious sense with the intention to bring them into the herd. To bring someone into the herd involves marriage though. Lyra was the last pony brought into the herd and it has been a long time since then. I may mention casual relationships involving ponies from this herd in future posts.
This giant family has… wait for it… 20 CHILDREN!!!
I’ll be drawing all the kids in time… but not all at once because that would kill me. When I do post the children, I will show who the biological parents are in that post but please know that in this herd, everyone raises the kids in some way… I wont say they’re all parents, because that’s not really the dynamic they have, but this herd does help each other raise all their beautiful children and they all do for every child in some way. Thank goodness for Twilight being a princess though, because living in the castle gave them plenty of room for all of those kids, otherwise I don’t know how they’d be able to have so many.
Side note: Our gal Derpy has an earring in one ear for each of her spouses, small round beads that match the color of each ponies eyes. This is sorta like her version of a wedding ring.
Let me know what you think! Heart