Original Description:
Originally posted on: November 9, 2018, 1:38 AM UTC
MLP (NG) Royals
*All the royal kids were hanging out together in Canterlot, to show the youngest one of them the place… Misty the daughter of King Thorax and Stormy Heart was visiting that place for the first time, but what she didn’t expect was to be accused of being a monster… Sunlight Dream tried to avoid that problem and show her the best things there, but sadly that didn’t happen…
???: look at them… how we end like this?, monsters ruling over Equestria…
???: It is just ridiculous… They will only cause destruction to our lands…
???: Have you seen the heir to sun throne?
???: She’s just an odd and cheap copy of Celestia
Sunlight Dream lowered her ears, she really feel bad about those commentaries
Shadow Sunset: Hey! I heard you two!
???: and what?….
Shadow Sunset: how dare you to talk about some pony that you don’t even know?!…
???: do you really think you will be accepted one day?, you are just a monster like your father…
Shadow knocked over the colt and show him his fangs
Sunlight: brother, please stop…
Sadly by the time Shadow realized what he had done, all eyes were on them, he quickly removed himself from the colt and picked up Misty on his back, but everyone surrounded him, his sister, his cousin and the little one who didn’t understand because everyone hated them… Just for being different …
Characters used:
Sunlight Dream & Shadow Sunset.- Discord & Celestia (Alicorn -* Draconequus hybrid**)*
*Silver Moonlight.- Princess Luna & Artemis (Alicorn - Bat Pony hybrid)
Misty.- Thorax & Stormy Heart (Changeling - Pegasus hybrid)
Celestia, Discord, Thorax & Luna Hasbro (c)
Sunlight Dream, Shadow Sunset, Silver Moonlight & Misty me (c)