Original Description:
Yes, a little experiment between my good friend Zenawa and I.
Zenawa never got to experience how it feels to have a happy early foalhood, as his early foalhood was nothing but neglect and abuse before he found Fluttershy. So, thanks to a spell from my mother, we were able to be regressed back into foals, and I did what I could to let him have a proper happy early foalhood.
Of course, extreme youth leads to harder difficulty in the case of holding bodily excretions, and when Zenawa messed himself in front of myself, he was very embarrassed. So, I happily showed him that I was not offended by his excretion, as he was not the only one who used his padding as a foal.
After he overcame such embarrassment, the experiment went off very pleasantly. I would happily regress with him once again. :)
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Drawn by Zombineko over on Furaffinity! Thanks very much! :D