Original Description:
Originally posted on: March 11, 2019, 5:07 PM UTC
MLP [Next Gen] Rareness
I n f o r m a t i o n
Name: Rareness
Gender: female
Species: unicorn
Age: 17
Personality: Selfish, a little rude, ambitious, often thinks only of himself, tricky, beautiful*
Mother: Rarity
Father: Thunderlane**
Siblings: Matthew (senior brother**)**
Short bio: From birth, she had amazing beauty. She often used it even at school. They did everything for her, and so she quickly became disappointed in the pony. “Only my beauty is important to them all,” she always thought.
One day, on one of the birthday parties, Spike arrived with his children. All Twilight friends and their children participated in the preparation. But Rarness did not want to work, and as an evil, there were almost no boys among the children (there were only little and older brother Rarness). She decided to try her beauty to experience the dragon Sinter.
But the dragon rudely sent her off and called her a dummy. What happened to Rarness at that moment? It’s not clear … But she fell in love with this dragon and is still trying to fall in love with herself.*
Art by DinkyDooLove
Base by FrostyBases
Base 20