Original Description:
This is spring and the apple trees are blooming. Scootaloo is having fun with her human friend in the cmc clubhouse. They installed a bed for the human and they practice many different ways to get a cutie mark. Scootaloo thought by herself about this funny idea to get the human penis in her round butt. The human was happy to help.
I have to thank Up1ter for his dedication.
This picture was commissioned a few days before the beginning of the war in Ukraine. The artist lives in a currently bombarded zone.
Nevertheless, he insisted to work and he did it seriously, with abnegation and an open mind.
I’m sure you will acknowledge the work with the light in the picture. This is a hard thing to do while drawing with vectors.
I’m happy to share this work, I have a special feeling about it. Even if that sounds cheesy, I guess this picture is somewhat less crazy than the world we currently live in. My best wishes goes to the artist.
Please take a look of the artist’s twitter via the source.