Original Description:
Originally posted on: November 30, 2018, 6:37 AM UTC
BlueFig Traditional Sketch
I haven’t been able to post since coming back from California, but here’s a quick sketch of my two love bugs I drew last night during work >v<’ I was feeling a bit down, and drawing these two always puts a smile on my faceIcon Umaru Doma - Himoto! Umaru-chan [ #57 ] Anywho Figment is reaching in to kiss his girlfriend’s forehead <33
More BlueFig ship-pics: fav.me/dcneybn, fav.me/dcqmrln, fav.me/dct1za1, fav.me/dcssto6, fav.me/dcru1mp. (Thank you to everyone who drew these two!! <33 I love these images so much, thank you friends!~)Monkey love
Please ENJOY this rare piece of traditional work!! >///<
Characters and art by: :icon ask-y: (me)
(DO NOT COPY/STEAL, please. FANART is always welcome, just link me!<3)