Original Description:
Originally posted on: June 25, 2020, 9:46 AM UTC
[MLP NEXT GEN] Captain Amour
Base by Alina-Brony29
C-rusha made the cutiemark for me again ;v; thank you bb <3
This is Captain Amour. He’s the captain of the most feared band of pirates in Equestria, and is rumoured to be incredibly ruthless and a bit of a womaniser. He doesn’t like talking about his family much, and only he and his family seem to really know who he is. He won’t reveal his full name and he won’t talk about… anything, really. Not his feelings, his family, his past, anything. As far as his crew knows, he is Captain Amour, their pegasus leader, even with how funny the hearts on him seem to be. The one place he will not visit is the Crystal Empire, he absolutely refuses, and sometimes will even refuse Canterlot. Nobody questions him, though, because they know what’ll happen to them if they do.
His closest crew member is Maritime Chime, his first mate who follows him everywhere. He can’t seem to be seen without her by his side, and it’s obvious she has a huge crush on him; and he’s fully aware, he just doesn’t know how to let her down easy. So, naturally, he’s dating her brother behind her back. Like any gentleman.