Original Description:
Originally posted on: June 21, 2020, 4:28 PM UTC
Base by KimyoWolf
My girlfriend C-rusha made the cutiemarks for me ;v; thank you bub
Prince Aubade
Prince Aubade is the heir to Celestia’s throne, and one of two sons of Celestia and Sombra. He can raise the sun as she does, and often helped her as he was growing up. His talent is not only control of the sun, but also poetry and music, his favourite pastime. He’s incredibly bubbly, loves parties and spending time with other ponies, he plays pranks all the time, he loves dresses and jewellery, and never seems to sleep. He’s arguably the kindest of the royals, he’s incredibly open to everybody he meets and lets anybody spend time with him. However he isn’t stupid, and knows when he’s being used.
Prince Lunarian
Prince Lunarian is the heir to Luna’s throne, and the other son of Celestia and Sombra. He’s Aubade’s twin brother, and is in many ways his opposite. He’s anti-social and selective mute, only talking to his immediate family and sometimes Luna. He doesn’t really have friends, but the few he does have are very close to him. He spends most of his time sleeping- but not in his bed, rather, his talent is not only the ability to raise and lower the moon, but also create a portal to the moon. This takes a lot of energy, but gives him somewhere to go where he literally *cannot *be disturbed, and so he often sleeps there, instead. He’s often thought of as quite hostile, when in reality he’s just very lacking in social skills.
Princess Flurry Heart
Flurry Heart is the eldest child of Empress Cadence and Prince Shining Armour. She’s very friendly, but like Aubade, not as naive as she seems. She is pretty much globally adored as the ‘perfect’ princess, and has had plenty of admirers. She very much raised her younger brother until he ran away, as her parents were understandably short on time and the staff around them didn’t much understand him. She is the protector of the Crystal Heart, and plays a small role in the royal guard.
Vibrant Erudite
Vibrant Erudite is the only child of Prince Twilight Sparkle and Duke Rainbow Dash. She’s very shy and reserved, and doesn’t really like the idea of making friends. She knows a lot about the world around her, as her dads often took her with them around their jobs. She doesn’t really like the title of princess, as it often gets her a lot of press and followers that she simply doesn’t want. She knows a lot about Equestrian history, unsurprisingly, a lot of that is about the Elements of Harmony and the Wonderbolts; she has written multiple books about both. Her closest friend is her cousin, Flurry Heart.