Original Description:
Originally posted on: February 12, 2022, 1:40 AM UTC
SOAE- Chapter 1, Page 2
Previous Page- www.deviantart.com/teonnakatzt…
Next Page: Next Friday!
Can you guess who our lovely bright changeling is?
Coming soon:
-Flurry Heart’s ref sheet
-Changeling Lore Sheet
-Locked Away Royals info and refs (aka the babs in Tartarus)
-Family Tree Update
To clear this up WOD is the wives of Discord and refers to all babs in Equestria that have something to do with them, SOAE is Shadow of an Empire and refers to all babs in the Crystal Empire and have something to do with them, LAR is Locked Away Royals and refers to all the princesses and babs in Tartarus. All of them are connected in one characterverse, the Chaosverse