Original Description:
Pinkamina Diane Pie/Pinkie Pie
Age: 29
Family: Igneous Rock & Cloudy Quartz (adoptive parents) Maud Pie & Limestone Pie (adoptive older sisters) Marble Pie (adoptive “twin” sister) Pear Butter/Buttercup(deceased) & Chiffon Swirl (biological moms) Pound Cake (biological younger brother) Big Macintosh (biological older brother) Jacqueline Apple/Applejack/AJ, Pear Blossom/Apple Blossom/Applebloom & Pumpkin Cake (biological younger sisters) Big Sugar (biological nephew)
Element: Laughter
Pinkamina Diane Pie aka Pinkie Pie is the second youngest of her family and the Element of Laughter. She was adopted as a newborn after her biological mothers had to give her up. It wasn’t until the episode “Pinkie Apple Pie” did she finally learn the truth about her family and who she was related to.
Pinkie and Marble are considered twins as they were born on the same day and year when Pinkie was adopted by coincidence. She’s still just like the original Pinkie, happy and always bouncing with excitement.