Original Description:
Luck of the BABSCon
I don’t really have any way of going to BABSCon due to money issues, so I decided to enter their “Luck of the BABSCon” Contest for a small chance at getting a free 3-day pass.
Background image is from the BABSCon website www.babscon.com/
Tumblr Post: ~http://bronyfang-art.tumblr.com/post/79904556571/luck-of-the-babscon-by-bronyfang-i-dont-really~ [dead link]
Made with:
Paint Tool SAI
Photoshop CS6
~Twitter: BronyFang twitter.com/BronyFang~ [dead link]
~Tumblr: bronyfang.tumblr.com/~ [dead link] / ~bronyfang-art.tumblr.com/~ [dead link]