Original Description:
Ooo! Somepony’s caught Sunset Shimmer’s eye. And I doubt anypony might turn her down. She’s so hot. But more importantly, she’s an awesome friend. Or at least she is now after moving on from her dark past. Once a power-hungry pony invading the human world to become a high school tyrant, then turned into a demoness after stealing Twilight Sparkle’s Element of Harmony, and then, after being beaten by her and her friends, Sunset saw the light, and is now doing everything in her power to spread friendship and keep Equestrian magic contained. She does visit her homeworld now and again. But no matter what form she takes, pony or human, she is still one of the most beautiful female characters in My Little Pony, and a true friend with an empathetic and forgiving heart. Love you, Sunny.
Now I was going to work on this months ago, 7 to 10 months to be precise. However, considering I wanted to focus on the current mane style, I was discouraged from working on it. However, seeing as how this year was coming to an end soon, I decided to take the risk. It may not be exactly accurate, but she looks great anyway. I got big plans for this vector. That I promise. And there will still be more human vectors of her to follow in the new year.
Traced from My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Forgotten Friendship
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic created by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro