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Page 1628 - Dungeons & Ponies, Part 3
21st Dec 2021, 6:00 AM in Intermission 15
Author: GreatDinn
Guest Author’s Note: “Magic-users are complicated. You learn all the base rules of D&D that everyone else learns, and then you have to go and add a whole secondary ruleset on top of that just to do your job properly. And yet, it’s so enticing, being able to throw fireballs, and turn invisible, and raise the dead…who wouldn’t want to be a wizard?
Lots of people, realistically speaking, but all of my freshest faced players want to be sorcerers supreme and golly gee do I not have nearly enough spell cards to go around, or clean enough handwriting to make them myself.”
Spike: I found your sheet!
Rainbow Dash: Thanks Spike! So what kind of flank kicking hero am I?
Spike: Presto, the Wizard!
Rainbow Dash: Wow. That’s…a lot of words. Do I need to memorize all of this?
Spike: No, we’ll just figure it out as we go! Now then, where were we? Let me just get back my DM voice.
DM: Tonight’s session is called
Rainbow Dash: This isn’t based on our fight against Nightmare Moon, is it? ‘Cause we already lived that.
DM: No! It’s totally different! Mostly.