Original Description:
Originally posted on: July 26, 2015, 2:04 AM UTC
NextGen: Mozart redesign
Now for Mozart. I never really liked his hair that much on the original and now that Fluttershy and Tree Hugger are his parents; it’s dreads galore! And huge eyebrows.
Sadly I couldn’t do that cool colouring to the extent I did on Rainbow Dust, dreads can’t shine like straight hair, and shading them is really awkward.
Original design (and bio) here: https://torusthescribe.deviantart.com/art/Mozart-528787206torusthescribe.deviantart.com/…https://torusthescribe.deviantart.com/art/Apple-Spice-528788073https://torusthescribe.deviantart.com/art/Apple-Spice-528788073