Original Description:
- Rainbow Dash x Soarin’
Sleet Storm is a fast-paced pony not in the skies, but on the ice. Wanting to become a professional hockey star, Sleet Storm spends more time skating than flying, which angers his parents.
Fun Facts:
He’s blind in his right eye
He can fly rather well, but chooses not to
- Applejack x Troubleshoes
Pumpkin Patch is a rough, tough, no-holds barred gal with a love for cider and rough-housin’. Dreaming of being a wrestler, she spends her days practicing her moves on her siblings and occasionally her parents.
Fun Facts:
She stole her ma’s hat as a kid, and has been wearing it ever since
She and her Pa get along really well, and when they wrestle she can actually manage to take him down
- Fluttershy x Big Macintosh
Cherry Cox is a big softie with a love for plants, and takes care of a wide variety in his greenhouse in Sweet Apple Acres. He’s rather skittish and doesn’t enjoy loud, rough or even remotely “mean” ponies, but he absolutely loves his cousin Pumpkin.
Fun Facts:
He’s a hugger
He loves all animals like his mother, but mice scare him tremendously
- Pinkie Pie x Pokey Pierce
Gumball Bounce is a little ditzy at times, but when it comes to music they’re a genius. Working secretly in a nightclub as a DJ, Gummy is a real master on the turntables, and wants to follow in the hoofsteps of the best DJ Equestria’s ever seen, DJ PON-3.
Fun Facts:
Their stage name is DJ SW33T B34TZ
They are genderqueer
- Rarity x Prince Blueblood
Brilliant Diamond is an uppity snob at times, disliking most other ponies simply for their sense of style or humor. She has no interest in making clothes like her mother, but instead modeling them, and rising to fame.
Fun Facts:
She was in pageants as a child, and won every one she participated in
She dislikes the Apple family for their dirty farm behaviors, but has a crush on one
- Spike x Ember
Thorn is the “large and in charge” member of his friend group, protecting those he cares about with his powerful fire breath and large size. He wishes to be a royal guard one day.
Fun Facts:
He’s incredibly large for his age, and towers over most of the other young dragons.
Due to his bigger size but somewhat small wings, he cannot fly
- Twilight Sparkle x Flash Sentry
Prince Comet Kicker is a lazy arse with little to no interest in the throne, or becoming a guard, and would rather drink his favorite slushies all day and play video games. He doesn’t care for books, sword-fighting, or anything that his parents do or enjoy, which unsettles them.
Fun Facts:
His favorite video game genre is sci-fi/adventure
His favorite slushie flavor is Blue Raspberry Burst