Original Description:
meet Grimm Fable :3
She is basically the pony version of Death/The Grim Reaper…. If they were a cute goth pony XD
Grimm is a reaper pony, a pony who is tasked with reaping the souls of dead ponies and taking them to the afterlife once their time comes (and if nessicary, “speed up” the process of how long they have left X))
Despite the morbid job, she is actually a very friendly pony. she always make sure to comfort and help answer any questions the dead ponies have, and she always makes sure to help make the transition to the afterlife easy, and keeps in touch with their spirits even after they pass over in life. She also does things in the land of the living to help ease the loss of the departed’s family and friends (such as leaving around bags of bits and such)
Her oujia board is actually her electronic tablet, wiht a holographic screen! She uses this to help keep track of her list of souls and her schedule (and for all her mobile games lol)
Grimm is also deaf (cause im a sucker for bad puns XD) and carries around a hearing aid with her, due to how she has trouble hearing things normally.