Original Description:
I know you know me more for all the firearms, but sometimes you just gotta draw ponies. Drawing guns appeals to the part of me that enjoys blowing things up or satisfyingly headshotting things in videogames, but anything MLP appeals to the part of me that likes to feel relaxed, innocent, like a little girl, and overall just happy.
Anyway, I shipped Pinkie Pie andWeird Al(come on. We were all thinking it) Cheese Sandwich since his first appearance. They say that opposites attract, but… come on. They have the same interests, the same personalities, the same manestyle, the same occupation, the same sense of humor? How could they not. It was the first time I was so invested in a ship that heterosexual.
I’m not even mad he stole my waifu. Not just because I’d be just as happy being Pinkie Pie, but because I totally saw it coming.
This is inspired by some art of Sweetie Belle and Button Mash where he’s proposing to Sweetie and giving her a Sonic-sized ring, (which always made sense to me, where would a pony even fit a human-sized wedding ring. Besides the horn, but what if… nevermind) and Cheese’s cupcake-shaped invitation to his gag factory.
If you look closely, you can see that Pinkie took a bite out of this one too =D
I wanted to do this for awhile. It’s not like it took that long, but you’ve seen the rest of my deviantart output. I kept on pushing this off to the side. And I figured hey, why not? It’s always good to remind myself that the brony fandom is still a thing. It makes me so happy to see that people still draw pony art and still ponify characters.
It’s not as if I’m unaware of the brony fandom’s flaws, but this show… made me a better person. A better friend. Made me one of my best friends. (That’s you, Jed, and Heather, and Taro).
Feels good to contribute to it now and then.