Original Description:
The children of Gabby, Smolder, and Sweetie Belle!
Dune Daylight
Parents: Smolder, Sweetie Belle, Gabby
Siblings: Dust Bunny (little sis)
Gender/Pronouns: bigender (both male and female characteristics/identity) she/he
Sexuality: asexual/pan
Relatives: Rairty and Ember (aunts) Garble and Pharynx (uncles) Graphite Glitz (cousin)
Dust Bunny
parents: Gabby, Sweetie Belle, Smolder
Siblings: Dune Daylight (older sib)
Gender/Pronouns: cis female she/her
Sexuality: bisexual
Relatives: Rairty and Ember (aunts) Garble and Pharynx (uncles) Graphite Glitz (cousin)