Original Description:
I decided to make a next gen (sort of) from the main 6’s parents! So they’re not really redesigns? But they also sort of are? More like another sibling.
I dunno, but these were so fun to make! I think parent swap au’s are fun so I thought this would be too.
Also I’m not good at cutiemarks- so excuse if they’re not very original ^^; Also also, names are a wip
Cookie Crumbles & Hondo Flanks
Buttercream Crisp
Pear Butter & Bright Macintosh
Posey Puff
Mr. & Mrs. Shy
Rocket Trail
Windy Whistles & Bow Hothoof
Sky Dreamer
Twilight Velvet & Night Light
Jasper Pie
Igneous Rock & Cloudy Quartz