Original Description:
Originally posted on: September 29, 2020, 5:58 AM UTC
Surprise!! My birthday is coming up in October and I wanted to do something fun so I opened a DTIYS contest (aka: Do This In Your Style) La la la laIf you need a reference of my character here it is:https://www.deviantart.com/diamond06mlp/art/Persona-Reference-843865112Deadline: October 12th (my birthday) but I can extend the deadline if you need more time.P.S.-ReferenceSheets can be existing characters or custom ;3.Prizes1st Place-^Detailed Background Piece: max 3 characters. ^Detailed Reference Sheet: detailed color palette.2nd Place-^Simple Background Piece: Max 2 characters. ^Simple Reference Sheet: simple color palette.3rd Place-^Simple Background Piece: Max 1 character.Rules
•Mention me in post
•use birthday cake in post to show you read the rules
•you can draw your OC WITH my character